Hasland Magazine is delivered to 5300 homes and businesses throughout Hasland, Winsick, Corbriggs, Spital and large sections of Hady. We also leave copies in cafes, waiting rooms and shops in the surrounding area - Let us take your business there too!
All ads also include access to our Facebook market: Hasland Magazine Shop Local Market where customers can advertise once each day.
A double page advert only costs £420 with design and proof, giving your business the biggest impact possible.
A full page advert costs just £250 including design and proof. Your business will really stand out.
A half page ad costs £140 and makes a great impact on the reader. Includes design & proof.
A quarter page ad costs just £75 and an eighth is £40. Both prices include design and proof.
Our small ads on the inside back cover cost just £25. At 60mm x 52mm they're an ideal choice for small businesses to get there name out in the community.
Advertising packages are available should you wish to commit to regular advertising. Editorial features, food reviews and product tests also available.